Tye Roberts: Heraldic Knights Inc.
Roberts Heraldic Knights
NEW- For Sale
Knights Sold 1
Knights Sold 2
Knights Sold 3
Recently Finished Pieces!
Gallery of Knights
Completed 2019!
New Gallery- Updated 11-18
2021 Knights
Gallery One
Gallery Two
Gallery Three
Gallery Four
Battle of Poitiers Vignette
Knights of Bannockburn
Personal Collection: Photo Gallery
Converting A Figure
Knights Castle Conversions
Artist Information
Studio and Collection
Links of Interest
Contact and Inquiries
Collection Sold-2015
Gallery Two
Commissions and Personal Pieces: 2013-2014
Gallery 3
Converted KOA with lance, head and helm provided by Dorset Toy Soldiers
Edward, the Black Prince
Tournament...alternative Arms
Gloss Enamels
Sir Thomas Grandison
Full 54mm plus, white metal
Tradition Casting/Model...Painted in gloss enamels
Sir John Hardreshulle, Banner Bearer for Sir Walter Hungerford
KOA conversion, helm from John Eden Studios...tin banner and paper clip!
Sir Walter Hungerford with Banner
Sir Walter Hungerford, helm supplied by John Eden Studios...replacement shield and mace from Dorset Toy Soldiers
Sir William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke
Gloss enamels, 54mm Lead
KOA original hollow cast, converted.
Helm by Irregular Miniatures of the U.K.
50-52mm solid reproduction, Dorset Toy Soldiers...tin banner and helm added along with dagger and scabbard
Piers de Cramaud, Porte Rochechouart
Gloss Enamels, Humbrol and Testors Paints
KOA Castings, repair, conversion
Helm by John Eden Studios
Gloss Enamels
Jean Noyers, Count de Joigny
50mm in the Courtenay Style. Casting by Dorset Toy Soldiers
Humbrol and Testors enamels
Movable visor, solid cast
King Jean II and Sir Geoffrey Chargny with Oriflamme at Poitiers (Capture the King, Part One)
Solid cast, from Dorset Toy Soldiers.
Base to connect to Part Two (English attacking Knights)
Rainard von Ouhar, Porte Bohemia at Battle of Crecy
Head by John Eden Studios, banner of tin. Original KOA repaired.
Humbrol and Testors Enamels
Battle of Grunwald Banner Bearer.
KOA original, hollow cast...repaint
Gloss Humbrol and Testors enamels
Banner Fields varied...not just the typical red.
Nalecz Arms
Battle of Assandun...Edmund Ironsides with the coat of Wessex and a knight carrying the Wessex dragon
Helm and crowns by Dorset Toy Soldiers
Castings a mix of knights castle and reproductions
Dragon crafted out of tin, base made of tin with miliput
Wood spikes by Irregular Miniatures
Cnut's coat my "spin" based on Mathew Paris's 13th C. interpretation
Painted knight as depicted and Edmund as a Wessex King
Angus Og MacDonald
Angus, friend of the Bruce
Agincourt Original, converted Helm, Axe and Head from Dorset Toy Soldiers
Humbrol and Testors Enamels